
Sonoran University of Health Sciences

Academic Compliment, Complaint, and Formal Grievance Reporting Forms

Please read the following carefully.

Compliments and Complaints
  • Your feedback may be submitted at any time. 

Informal Grievance (both steps must be completed before filing a Formal Grievance):
  • As most academic grievances are the result of simple misunderstandings, all concerns must be discussed with the applicable faculty, staff, or administrator within five (5) business days. The faculty staff or administrators will respond within (5) business days.
  • If the concern is not resolved and you still believe the issue has merit, you should discuss the concern with their immediate supervisor (i.e. Department Chair, Division Director, or program Dean) within five (5) business days of the first decision. The Department Chair, Division Director, or program Dean will respond within (5) business days.  In the rare case of an unresolved academic grievance against APPC, you should contact the VP of Academic Affairs at VPAA@sonoran.edu within (5) business days of attempting to resolve the issue with the Chair of the APPC.

Formal Grievances may only be submitted if:
  • You have exhausted the informal process listed above and you still believe the issue has merit.You are submitting the grievance within five (5) business days of the decision from the supervisor. Except under extenuating circumstances, grievances submitted after that time will not be considered.
  • Your grievance must relate to a perceive violation of your student rights or a specific academic policy, process, guideline, protocol, or published requirement.  Other issues are considered “complaints.” Please be sure to select the appropriate option.  
Other resources available to you:
  • If you are challenging your final grade in a course, please contact your faculty or use the Grade Appeal Request Form.
  • If you wish to appeal an academic dismissal, please follow the published process in the Course Catalog on MySonoran.
  • For non-academic concerns, please follow the published process in the Student Handbook on MySonoran.  
  • Transfer evaluations are not eligible for a grievance per policy as these are influenced by both programmatic and institutional accreditation standards.
  • If you have questions or concerns about the academic mission of the campus, please contact the Vice President of Academic Affairs at VPAA@sonoran.edu 

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